Spa Days With Vai- Seasonal Changes In your Skin

The holiday season is here and while you may be rejoicing about staying cozy indoors, sweet seasonal treats, and extra time with family, your skin may start to wreak some havoc of it’s own! Don’t let your skincare goals slip away from you this fall and winter…

The biggest issue for many people when humidity drops and temperatures fall is increased dryness in the skin. Combine the cooler air outside with hot and dry air from heaters inside, and you have a recipe for cracked, inflamed skin. Combine the cooler air outside with hot and dry air from heaters inside, and you have a recipe for cracked, inflamed skin. Wen your skin or lips feel chapped, they’ve already suffered significant water loss, so be diligent about using moisturizers to stay on top of the issue. Dryer skin types may wish to use a heavier moisturizer filled with humectants and emollients, and oilier skin types can stick to a lighter moisturizer as long as the skin remains properly hydrated.

Another common issue as the holiday season approaches is an increase in acne, which could have several causes. The holidays are fun and festive, but they are also stressful, and the rise in cortisol and androgens leads to higher oil production which can lead to an increase in acne. Eating more “comfort food” and sugary treats could also breed acne- refined grains, sugars, and unhealthy fats are inflammatory and cause an increase in sebum production. Try to enjoy your holiday treats in moderation or swap out recipes for anti- inflammatory options.

You may be thinking that with reduced sunlight and daylight hours, it’s okay to skip sunscreen. While UVB rays ( the kind that give you sunburns) are reduced this time of year, UVA rays (the kind that cause aging in the skin) stay constant year-round! UVA rays are present through rainy days, cloudy days, can reflect off snow, and are present in your home through your windows. UVA damage is also cumulative, meaning you may not even see damage for months or years to come. Do yourself a favor and get into the habit of wearing a daily sunscreen your skin is the largest organ in your body and skincare is healthcare!

Even as the holidays get busier and busier, it’s important to still make time for your skincare routine. Make it your goal to include a little self-care everyday, which will not only reduce stress, but taking care of your skin will help you achieve your skincare goals much faster. For additional care and personalized advice, see me in the spa! -Xoxo Vai


Spa Days With Vai- Acneic Skin Care Guide


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