Brazilian waxing FQA

Now introducing Brazilian Waxing at Salon Patrick!

A Brazilian wax removes all of the hair from the pubic area from front to back. We use a combination of soft wax and our NEW HARD WAX to allow the skincare benefits of soft wax to exfoliate the area, while hard wax minimizes pain in sensitive regions.

Hard wax will harden upon contact with skin and “shrink wrap” around hairs, leaving less tugging on the skin itself and revealing smooth skin underneath. 

Q: Does a Brazilian wax hurt?

A: Everyone has a different pain tolerance and your first Brazilian will likely feel tender, as the dense and coarse hairs have never been removed and therefore have a strong root in your skin. As you continue waxing, hair gets thinner and sparser, allowing for less painful waxes. We recommend taking an Ibuprofen 30 minutes before your wax and no caffeine beforehand because it can make you 50% more sensitive. Treat yourself to Starbucks AFTER your wax!

Q: How do I prep for a Brazilian wax?

A: The hair must be at least a quarter of inch long- think around the length of a grain of rice! This is usually 2-3 weeks of growth. Please do not shave before your appointment. 

We also recommend manually exfoliating the area (gentle body scrub or body brush) 24 hours before your appointment. The exfoliation allows for any trapped hairs to come to the surface, so your wax technician can remove as much hair as possible. 

Lastly, no retinoids or acids, such as glycolic or salicylic, on the area to be waxed for 10 days before your wax. Check your body lotions, washes, and scrubs for these ingredients.

Q: How can I take care of my skin after a Brazilian?

A: Aftercare is very important after a Brazilian- because it’s in an intimate area with sweating and friction, it’s super important to stay clean and dry so bacteria doesn’t get into the pores! Avoid gyms, saunas, pools, hot tubs, and sex for 24 hours after your appointment- avoid anything that makes you sweat. 

Once the redness subsides, start body brushing five times a week to keep the area exfoliated and prevent ingrown hairs. Keep the area well hydrated with a fragrance-free moisturizer three times a week. 

Avoid tanning and sun exposure 48-72 hours after a wax, as the skin will be more sensitive. 

Q: Will I be completely smooth after my first Brazilian? 

A: You WILL be completely smooth eventually but maybe not your first time, due to hair growth cycles and irregular shaving routines. Hair grows in 3 stages so at any given time, about 85% of hair is in the growth stage- that means you will be at least 85% hair free! The smoothness will last for around 2 weeks until other hairs start to move into the growth phase. The more consistent you are with waxing, the more these hair cycles will sync up, allowing you to go longer and stay smoother between waxes. Ideally, you would come every 4-6 weeks for Brazilians. Remember to avoid shaving between waxes to allow growth cycles to sync up. 

Q: Is waxing pregnancy safe?

A: Yes! Hard and soft waxes are both pregnancy safe. We would just avoid products containing retinol or salicylic acid in your aftercare products.

Q: Can I get waxed during my period?

A: Yes, you just may be more sensitive! Please change into a fresh tampon before your appointment. 


‘A Drink Of Water’ Facial